Lucas’ Papaw Remedies are proudly supporting the community

Over many decades, the Lucas’ Papaw Remedies’ family has been a proud supporter of a wide range of worthy community projects and causes. This has ranged from glucose monitors for young people with Type 1 Diabetes, to supporting nursing training, local schools and sporting teams.

This year, and in light of the turmoil happening both here and throughout the world, we decided to formalise our giving program and extend the contributions made by the Lucas’ Papaw Foundation to support even more people who are facing different challenges. The following causes are near and dear to our hearts through circumstances that have touched our family’s lives, and we are sure you will appreciate the worthiness of the work these organisations are doing in our world

Dementia Australia – We are supporting a research project coordinated by Dementia Australia to break down barriers associated with accessing dementia-friendly eye care. This study will help determine the best ways for people with dementia to receive eye checkups and how ophthalmic professionals can better support people with dementia to maintain their eye health and vision.
Mission Australia – We are supporting a local project with Mission Australia to improve physical and emotional health and wellbeing for families and children in the Acacia Ridge, Inala and Ipswich regions. This project includes free hearing screening, healthy eating and nutrition programs, physical activity programs and distribution of healthy lifestyle kits.
Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute – We are supporting a research project with Victor Chang Cardiac Research that will be used to purchase an MRI Coil, which will allow the researchers to study tiny zebrafish hearts in unprecedented detail. Zebrafish share 70% of human genes and are helping to uncover the genetic causes of dilated cardiomyopathy, a deadly heart muscle disease that affects up to one in 2,500 people in our community.
Danii Foundation – We have contributed to the purchase of continuous glucose monitors for young people with Type 1 Diabetes. These continuous glucose monitors alert both the patient and their family members if the person with Type 1 Diabetes’ blood glucose levels fall to dangerously low levels. This can often occur when the person is sleeping resulting in the tragic “dead in bed syndrome”.
Eczema Association of Australasia Inc – We are proud to partner with Eczema Australasia and provide funding that will be used to understand the causes and treatments of Eczema as well as support advocacy for eczema sufferers.
Griffith University – We are supporting a research project that aims to understand and reduce the virus severity for patients with Covid-19. Our support will contribute towards the purchase of research equipment leading to clinical trials.
Australian Volunteer Coast Guard – We are proud to support the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard and their work in protecting the community who use our waterways, the training that they provide to boat users and their search and rescue operations.

At this stage we have fully committed to these vital projects and have no additional capacity to take on additional partners at this time.

To hear the progress of these projects, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram.